Well, I ended up having a very fun and busy weekend. It'll be a real bummer going back to work this week. I contacted a few places I had interviews with and they're all still making their decisions. Damn that waiting.
So, yesterday morning I did my job hunting while sitting at Chestnut Hill Coffee. That has become a pretty cool routine that I'm going to keep doing (well, actually, I hope that I get a new job soon so I won't have to keep doing this). Then I went with the church to Project HOME. Good time there. And today I met with my friend Allie & her husband for dim sum at Joy Tsin Lau and got some goodies from Reading Terminal Market. I did get some good relaxing in too so....yeah. I'm still thinking about the really good salmon I got. And my cats have been extra cute all weekend.
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
1 hour ago
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