Last week I had six interviews. I was actually supposed to have seven, but I rescheduled one of them.
Monday I was at a music school downtown. The job was an executive assistant. I'm not really looking for pure administrative work now, but this had some working with the development office and the school's really cool so I applied. Well, I got myself extremely lost trying to find the place. Usually I take a little test drive if I'm going somewhere new, but I had no time over the weekend. So, thanks to me getting lost, I got there about 20 minutes late. I did apologize profusely and they said it was ok, but I don't think it was. The woman seemed really nice, but the guy was rubbing at his beard during the whole interview. I don't know what that meant, I guess he thought he was being wise.
Tuesday I had a really great interview and am hoping this is one that comes through. It was at a Quaker based senior citizen place in my neighborhood (yay for a 3 minute commute!) and would give me the opportunity to do writing, help with their website and do some more advanced development/fundraising work than what I'm doing now. The woman I met with was very friendly and seemed really interested in all I had to offer.
Thursday morning I had an interview at a community cupboard type place in Phoenixville. That was an interesting day too. I missed the turn for Route 23 and got to this interview late too. The ride, though, was gorgeous. I drove through Valley Forge Park and all these other little gritty suburbs. The job sounded ok, I don't really have the experience they're looking for. But at least it was good practice and I never would have visited Phoenixville otherwise.
Friday was my big interview day. In the morning I had an interview for a researcher. I think that interview went ok, it was the perfect job for a geek like me. It's basically doing research for when they have speakers come in or other reasons. The guy I interviewed with said that you'll pick up lots of good useless information and was pleased that I listen to all kinds of odd podcasts. Then I had an interview downtown that was rescheduled from last week. I think the interview with the woman I met last week went well and I think Friday's interview went well too. So, this job does look pretty promising. And the last interview was a medical association downtown and the job was a documentation assistant, basically doing work that sounds an awful lot like what the guys on Office Space do.
So, hopefully something will come through soon. This coming week I have two interviews and tests with an employment agency. I'm not so sure about the employment agency, but if something else comes up this week, I'll bump that appointment.
There was a job in my hometown in NJ, but I don't think I'm that desperate for a better job yet.
I have had a very relaxing, nothing weekend, which I really needed after the week I had and have. In fact, Friday night I came home, got some ribs and drank some beer. It felt really nice to let loose and turn off the charm for the night.
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
2 hours ago
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